City Government

Council Chambers

The City of Dillingham has a Council/Manager form of government which combines the political leadership of elected officials with the managerial experience of an appointed manager. All power and authority to set policy rests with the elected governing body, which includes six voting council members and a mayor who votes only in the case of a tie. The elected body in turn hires a manager who has broad authority to run the organization. The Council/Manager form of government is the most popular structure of local government in the United States.


Council Meetings

City Council meetings are generally held in the City Hall Council Chambers on the first Thursday of the month. There is no regularly scheduled meeting in July. In June an additional meeting is scheduled for the third Thursday of the month to approve the budget. The meetings start at 7:00 PM and are open to the public.     

For council meeting agendas and packets, click the link in the sidebar menu.


Citizen Participation

Citizens are encouraged to attend and contribute to the council meetings. During the Citizen’s Discussion- Prior Notice or Agenda Items, comments no longer than three minutes can be brought before the council. Citizens can also bring up matters under Citizen’s Discussion- Open to the Public which appears later in the agenda. 

Another way the council seeks citizen input is during public hearing items. Before the council makes a final decision on an issue, the public is given an opportunity to comment on these items during a council meeting. 

Contact the City Clerk's office if you wish to be on the agenda.